Thank You to Our Donors - Vermont Humanities (2024)

Our work depends on the generosity of our many donors and volunteers. In 2023, Vermont Humanities received donations from individuals, businesses, and foundations committed to providing literacy and public humanities programs in every county in Vermont. We are grateful to each of you!

  • Individuals
  • Institutions
  • Gifts in Honor Of
  • Gifts in Memory Of





Estate of Brenda Bisbee


Anonymous (2)
Sandra J. Berbeco & David C. Coen
Barbara & Wolfgang Mieder
Ron Miller
Mary & David Otto
Elizabeth Steele


Dottie Bergendahl
Paul Gruhler & Jane Marlin
Michael Metz & Denise Shekerjian
Susan Z. Ritz/Larsen Fund
David Snyder & Sara Coffey
Steve Stettler


Pam & Louis Ahlen
Susan B. Alden
Jim Alic & Jacalyn Diesenhouse
Edward & Marilyn Blackwell
Don & Marty Dewees
Rolf Diamant & Nora Mitchell
Sarah L. Dopp
Dick Dreissigacker & Judy Geer
Joy Facos
Patricia Fontaine
Jonathan Heaton
Patricia Highberg
Christopher Kaufman Ilstrup & Chris Ilstrup
Sydney Lea & Robin Barone
Walter & Lois Liggett
Susan McCaslin & Vic Henningsen
Lowell & Sandra Mintz
Jane Pincus
Michael Shank
Ann & Steve Singiser
Phyllis & Michael Wells


Anonymous (7)
Alison Bechdel & Holly Taylor
George & Paula Bellerose
Marsha Cassel
Brianne E. Chase
John & Laurie Chester
Bern Collins
Pat Daley
Apple Faulkner & Hobie Guion
Dover Robinson Ford
Reginald & Joan Gignoux
Prospero Gogo Jr. & Amy Lilly
Susan & Jeff Goodell
Gerald & Virginia Hornung
Judith Irven & Dick Conrad
Christine Kaufman
Barbara McGrew
Christopher McVeigh
Virginia Neel
James & Judith Pizzagalli
Pat Robins & Lisa Schamberg
Donald Robisky
Peter & Jacqueline Sinclair
Bill Stritzler
Dorothy Tod
Jake & Cathie Wheeler


Anonymous (3)
Ann Aspell & Leigh Seddon
Joseph Bocchino
Stephen & Laurie Brittain
Susan Burch
Judith Chalmer
Harry Chen & Anne Lezak
Anne Cramer
Fred & Sophia Crawford
Bill & Leigh Dakin
Will & Laurie Danforth
Steven & Nancy Davis
Frank & Ducky Donath
Rachel Aliber Duffy
Peter A. Gilbert & Cindy Char
Suzanne Grenier
Groberg Family Fund
Rick & Emmy Hausman
T. Elijah Hawkes
Dan & Rachel Kahn-Fogel
Michael Katzenberg & Linda Prescott
Thomas & Lia Kehler
Diane Kemble
Charles & Marie Kireker
A. Paul & Arlene F. Krapcho
Peter & Isabella Martin
Patricia A. Menduni
John M. Miller
Bradley Myerson
Jane Osgood & Ted Hilles
Katherine Paterson
Hugh & Nancy Pennell
Cathy & Robert Rachlin
Sylvia Robison
Cathy Rude & Mark Kennedy
Geoffrey Sewake
Catherine & Jon Shapiro
Dan & Jan Steinbauer
Judith D. & William C. Stevens
Charles Sullivan
Sarah Wesson
Richard & Katharine White
Judith Yarnall
Yasmine Ziesler


Anonymous (22)
Katy Smith Abbott
Carol Adams
Joseph & Jane Alper
Julia Alvarez & Bill Eichner
Z. Philip Ambrose
Peter Areson & Cyndy Guy
Joel Ario & Diana Myrvang
Cheryl Asa
Don & Lela Avery
Jennifer Bagley
Steve Baietti & Julia Ely
Denise Bailey
Charles & Diana Bain
S. Carol Bam
Timothy Beaman & Sylvia Lazarnick
Beverly Belisle
Philip & Janie Bell
Julie & Jeff Benay
George & Doris Bergeron
James & Judith Bernat
Alan Berolzheimer
LN Bethea
Faith Bieler
Jack & Mary Ellen Bixby
Amy Borgman & Michael Forillo
Bill & Ruth Botzow
Bob & Maureen Brandt
Lester & Lois Carbonneau
Paul & Sandal Cate
Mary Ann & Bob Chaffee
Jonathan & Angie Chapple-Sokol
William Chester
Daniel Childs & Marda Donner
Jane S. Childs
Alison Clarkson & Oliver Goodenough
Elissa Close & Chris Brady
Miriam Conlon
Katherine Coppock
Constance Counts
Ann T. Cullen
Lauren-Glenn Davitian
Nancy E. DiMauro
Patricia L. DiSilvio
John & Sandra Dooley
Gail Dougherty
Ellen S. Doyle
Jim & Margaret Eagan
Zon Eastes & Margaret Spencer
Peter Elwell & Wendy Harrison
Mary Feidner
Stephen L. Ferber
Lisa Forrest
Bruce & Darlyne Franzen
Virginia F. Freeman
Carolyn & Milton Frye
Eddie Gale
Connell & Nancy Gallagher
Leslie Gensburg
H. Allen Gilbert & Lila Richardson
Ken & Peggy Gilbert
Peter Gould & Mollie Burke
Nancy & Chris Graff
Valerie L. Graham
Wayne & Deborah Granquist
Susan Haedrich
Robert & Honore Hager
Natalie Hall
Marilyn & Jim Hand
Kenneth A. Hapke
Christine & Lee Hauslein
Michael Healy & Debra Blumberg
Randy & Karen Hesse
Phil Holland
Margaret Holmes
Chad Horvath
Elaine A. Hubert
Dorothy R. Jacobson
Lauren Jarvi & Lenny Gerardi
Wendy Jenkins
Corlan Johnson
Susan Johnson & Jason Kelley
Thomas P. Johnson & Ina Smith
Kathryn Jorgensen
Liisa Kissel
Jane Kitchel
Tony Klein
Rena Koopman
Curtis & Edward Koren
Chelsea Lafayette
Ann LaFiandra
Joan R. Lang
Alison Latham
Marc Lefebvre
Barbara & Martin LeWinter
Robert A. Lloyd
Wendy & Charles Love
Chris Lovell & Ellen McCulloch-Lovell
Jennifer Lucas & John Schweizer
Deborah Lee Luskin
Lizzy Lyons
Thomas MacLeay
Adrienne & Stephen Major
Zachary Manganello
The Marvin Family
Susan & Kellen McClure
Robert McElwain
Tom McKone
Bruce A. McNallie & Lindra Moerdyk
Christy & Marc Mihaly
Jim Mindling
John & Kay Morton
Patricia Motch
Melinda Moulton
Sharon Mount
Scott & Cheryl Mullins
Radetta Nemcosky
Lisa Newton
Jenn & Bob Nixon
Sheldon Novick & Carolyn Clinton
Rosamond F. Orford
Meg Ostrum
Christine Packard
Priscilla Page
Matthew Peake & Leslie Goldman
Jacob Pelletier
Andrew & Marianne Perchlik
Dave & Ellie Peters
Nancy & Bernard Picchi
Emil & Elaine Pollak
Bob & Sandy Powell
Carolynn K. Ranftle
Alban Richey
Andrea Rogers
John & Nancy Rosenthal
Barry & Arline Rotman
Nancy & Ronald Rucker
Robert & Gail Schermer
Jeffrey & Dawn Schneiderman
Patricia M. Sears
Jerome & Diana Senturia
Alice Shaner-Simpson
Marc & Fronia Simpson
Jack & Betsy Sinnott
Charlie Smith & Amy Mellencamp
Scott E. Stearns
Anne & John Steel
Charlotte Stetson
John & Sarah Stroup
Skip & Marilyn Sturman
Dan & Mary Swainbank
Wally & Mona Tapia
Burton & Harriet Tepfer
Joan Thorndike
Elise Thorsen
Eleaner Tufano
Kathryn Tufano
Marc & Dana vanderHeyden
Janet Wallstein
Barbara Weedon
Ethel & Michael Weinberger
Peter Welch & Margaret Cheney
Bob & Barbara Wells
Michaelanne & Jack Widness
Reeve Williams & Sandra Anderson
Bob & Joan Williamson
Richard Wizansky & Todd Mandell
Michael D. Wormser
Marianne Zurn

Up to $99

Anonymous (24)
Don Abelson & Joseph Everett
Dawn K. Andrews
Marilee Attley
Ed & Irene Barna
Thomas Beach
Lois Miller Beardwood
Kimberly Ann Benjamin
Iris Berezin
James & Janet Berrier
Lindy Biggs
Eileen Boland & Don Bredes
Naomi Bossom
Allan & Frances Boucher
Louis & Lois Bresee
Mary Ellen Bridge
Deb Brighton
Judy L. Brook
John Brugger
Janet Bruner
Patti Buck
Henry Bush
Mary E. Byrnes
Paul Calter
Daniel & Marta Cambra
Sarah Carter
Jack & Juanita Burch Clay
Geoffrey & Nancy Cobden
TL Coles
Grant Crichfield
Susan Crowther
Brian & Janice Cunningham
Mark & Terrie Curran
Todd Daloz
Sylvia Davatz
Michael & Janice Day
Rachel Desilets
Dennis J. Devereux
Alida & John Dinklage
Deidre Donaldson
Jay Dunlap
Betty Dye
Sandra Ershow
Peter Falion & Elizabeth Tannenbaum
Glynnis Fawkes
Steve & Marty Feltus
John Field & Jane Katz Field
Ken & Sharon Finch
Marcia Foley
Connell & Nancy Gallagher
The Gardner-Morse Family
Edward & Karen Gartner
Janice Gendreau
Paula Gills
Catherine Girard
Leah Goat
Jeff & Ellen Gold
Janet Goldberger
Daniel Gottlieb
Connie & Tom Green
David & Michelle Grist-Weiner
Dan & Dana Grossman
Michelina Gruppi
Gizelle Guyette
Sarah & Eric Hadd
Leslie Haines
Recille Hamrell
Paul D. Hansen
Roberta Harold & Wayne Fawbush
Marge Harper
Jesse Hawkes
Helen Head
Jory Hearst
Cal Heile
George & Jill Helmer
Keith Hermiz & Rachel Laliberte
David & Judy Hershberg
Mariel Hess
Beth Hindmarsh
Michelle S. Chasse Holzapfel
Gail Horne
Mabel V. Houghton
Jinny Huh
John R Killacky
Bill & Barbara Koptis
Bettina Krampetz
Barbara & David Lacy
Dorothy Larsen
Jeannine Laverty
Ann Lawless
Barry & Lynne Lawson
Sally & Mike Leahey
John & Diane Liccardi
Jack Long & Delight Wing
Cassie Major
Gary Margolis & Wendy Lynch
Mary E. McKenna
Glenn & Hollie McRae
Vicki Milton
David R. Moats
Sally R. Molnar
Hillary Montgomery
Cecilia Ann Mooney
Morgan Moore
Edwin S. Morley
Betty Ann Morse
David Munro
Sally Newell
Margo Nutt
George & Judith O’Brien
Herbert Ogden & Catherine Thomas
Nancy A. Olson
Patricia Olson
Barbara Orlovsky
Mary Heller Osgood & Chris Osgood
Solveig Overby
Ralph Pace
John Pane & Elizabeth Bassett
Kathy Parker
Neil & Carleen Pelsue
Paul & Dorothea Penar
Tamara Perelman
Stephen & Galen Perkins
Meg Pond & Jim Rader
David & Louise Ransom
Marty Reid
Steve & Martha Richardson
Genevieve Rideout
Lori Rippa
Andy Robinson
Maureen & Jay Rogers
Linda Rood & Roger Turner
Alan A. Rozycki
Jeanette & Tom Ruffle
Donald Sargent
James & Nancy Scherer
Patricia M. Sears & Steven L. Mason
Ellen Seeger
Nancy Segal
Rosie Harlow Segal
Lila Shapero & Wayne Senville
Jeryl Robert Shapiro
Neil Shepard & Kate Riley
Allen G. Shepherd
Michael Sherman
Beverley Slocum
Dave & Polly Sobel
Rebecca Sofferman
Gail Sorenson
Bob & Peg Soule
Fern Sparks
Jonathan & Cindy Stableford
Loring Starr
Barbara W. Sterling
Sharon S. Stewart
Linda Streeter & Jon Harris
Robert Sugarman
Susan Sussman & Scudder Parker
Linnea Taylor
Lee Thompson
Jim & Felicia Tober
Bob & Karen Tortolani
Maida F. Townsend
Heinz Trebitz
Robert Troester & Joan Stephenske
Cecile M. Valcour
Suzanne Vaughn
Patricia Vibert
Luis Vivanco & Peggy O’Neill-Vivanco
Lisa von Kann
Jonathan & Alice Wells
Mary West
Patricia R. Wiley
Al & Anna Wilkinson
Dian S. Williams
M. Heidi Willis
William & Mary Wilson
Dolf & Mary Jane Wirsing
Elizabeth Wood
The Wrazen Family
Bruce & Carol Wyatt
Don & Karen Yaggy
Allen & Kathleen Yale
Alan & Karen Zaur
Geegee Zaveson



Vermont Community Foundation


The Trout Lily Foundation
Vermont Department of Libraries


The A.D. Henderson Foundation, Inc.




Fletcher Proctor Trust for Destitute Children
Green Mountain Fund of the Vermont Community Foundation
Physicians Computer Company
The Donley Foundation
The Wisdom Connection


Ann H. Symington Foundation
Fountain Fund of the Vermont Community Foundation
Friends of the Vermont State House
Jones/Lippincott Family Foundation
Lucy Downing Nisbet Charitable Fund, Bank of America, N.A., Co-Trustee
Middlebury College
The Alma Gibbs Donchian Charitable Foundation, Inc.
The Jack & Dorothy Byrne Foundation
The Windham Foundation
Walter Cerf Community Fund of the Vermont Community Foundation


LGBTQ+ Fund of Vermont at the direction of the Shayne Foundation
The Arthur D. Dana Foundation
The Nichols Philanthropy Fund at the Boston Foundation
Vermont – NEA, Inc.


Bisbee Pratt Fund of the Vermont Community Foundation
Chief Officers of State Library Agencies
Montpelier Community Fund
The Joseph & Dale Boutin Fund
The Oakland Foundation
The WaterWheel Foundation


Mascoma Savings Bank
Otto & Associates
Passumpsic Savings Bank
Preservation Trust of Vermont
Vermont Book Shop


Bear Pond Books
Beilfuss Family Advised Fund at Rochester Area Community Foundation
Cabot Creamery
Cashdan/Stein Great Grandmother Fund of the Vermont Community Foundation
Stave Puzzles, Inc.
Woolmington, Campbell, Bent & Stasny, P.C.

Up to $99

AmazonSmile Foundation
Give Lively Foundation

Funds held by the Vermont Community Foundation

Anne Commire Fund for Women in the Humanities
Margot J. George Fund
Peter A. Gilbert Fund
Vermont Humanities Council Fund
Vermont Humanities Reserve Fund
Victor R. Swenson Fund

These invested funds were created by donors interested in supporting the work of Vermont Humanities into the future. If you would like to learn more about planned giving, please contact Kathryn Tufano, Senior Development Officer, at or 802.262.1356.

Gifts in Honor Of

Z. Philip Ambrose by Anonymous
Alan Baker by Michaelanne & Jack Widness
Jan Bankus & Steven Blodgett by The Joseph & Dale Boutin Fund
Georgia Volikakis Bethea by LN Bethea
Paul Bruhn by Thomas P. Johnson & Ina Smith
Liz Bruner by Janet Bruner
Victoria Bruner by Janet Bruner
Ben Bush by Henry Bush
Sarah Dopp by Lee Thompson
Iris Gardner & George Morse by The Gardner-Morse Family
Peter A. Gilbert by Dottie Bergendahl
Peter A. Gilbert by Dennis J. Devereux
Peter A. Gilbert by Ken & Peggy Gilbert
Christopher Kaufman Ilstrup by TL Coles
Christopher Kaufman Ilstrup & Ryan Newswanger by Hugh & Nancy Pennell
Ellen Lovell by Michelle S Chasse Holzapfel
Steven L. Mason by Patricia M. Sears
Pat Menduni by Rosie Harlow Segal
Ron Miller by Bob & Joan Williamson
David M. Reisbord by Kathy Parker
Vera Longtoe Sheehan by Julie & Jeff Benay

Gifts in Memory Of

Brenda Bisbee by The Wrazen Family
Alan Dann by Deidre Donaldson
Thomas V. DiSilvio by Patricia L. DiSilvio
David Donath by Bruce & Darlyne Franzen
Robert J. Grenier by Suzanne Grenier
Pauline Hodgdon & loved ones by Lester & Lois Carbonneau
John A. Kruse by Katherine Paterson
Elwin & Murdale Leysath by David & Louise Ransom
Charles McKenna by Mary E. McKenna
Tricia McVeigh by Christopher McVeigh
Ted Richards by Paula Gills
Lucille Bell Sargent by Donald Sargent
Christopher Morrison Shamburg by Lisa Forrest
Victor R. Swenson by Julia Alvarez & Bill Eichner
Victor R. Swenson by Dottie Bergendahl
Victor R. Swenson by Judith Yarnall
Eleaner Tufano by Kathryn Tufano
William M. Vibert by Patricia Vibert

Thank You to Our Donors - Vermont Humanities (2024)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Views: 5424

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Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.