New law will make it tougher for Colorado HOAs to foreclose on homes (2024)

Colorado homeowners associations will have a tougher time foreclosing on their residents for unpaid debt starting in August.

House Bill 1337, signed by Gov. Jared Polis in early June, creates new hurdles for HOAs before they can file for foreclosure and limits how much associations can charge in attorney fees when they are trying to collect what they’re owed. It also gives homeowners and renters a second chance at keeping their properties in the event a house is foreclosed on by an HOA and sold at auction.

“(This bill) really gets at the pieces of this process and how it works that we were really seeing lead to the most devastating foreclosures,” said Melissa Mejia, director of state and local policy at the Community Economic Defense Project, which was one of the main groups behind the bill.

The measure, passed by the legislature in April, is aimed in part at making good on a promise from the governor and lawmakers to change the state’s HOA laws following a Colorado Sun investigation published last year. The investigation revealed Colorado HOAs had filed roughly 3,000 foreclosure cases between 2018 and June 2023, more than 250 of which — or roughly 8% — resulted in properties being auctioned off, most for well below market value.


HOA-foreclosed homes in Colorado are auctioned off for a fraction of their market value, erasing years of equity

A Colorado Sun investigation found that more than 250 HOA-foreclosed properties have been auctioned off in the state since 2018. At least 100 of them were sold for $60,000 or less.

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At least 100 of the auctioned properties sold for $60,000 or less, according to court records analyzed by The Sun, costing homeowners much — if not all — of the equity they had accrued.

There were an estimated 2.7 million Coloradans living in an HOA-governed community at the end of last year, or roughly half of the state’s population.

House Bill 1337 also builds on other measures passed by Colorado lawmakers aimed at making HOA foreclosures more rare.

The new law says an HOA can’t file for foreclosure against a resident unless it has first filed a lawsuit to collect its debt or filed an involuntary bankruptcy petition against the homeowner.

Additionally, the law limits the amount in attorneys fees an HOA can charge a homeowner to $5,000, or 50% of their debt — whichever is less. There would be an exception for people who are able to pay higher amounts but wilfully did not pay their debts to the HOA and the cap would increase annually based on inflation.

The Sun investigation found that attorneys fees can be much higher than $5,000 and frequently make up a quarter or more of what a homeowner eventually owes their HOA.

Finally, the measure imposes a “first right of redemption” on HOA-foreclosed homes sold at auction, giving homeowners, tenants, affordable housing nonprofits, a community land trust, a cooperative housing corporation and the state or local government — in that order — 30 days to file an affidavit stating their intent to purchase the property. They would then have 180 days after the sale to come up with the money and complete the deal.

HOA groups expressed concerns about the bill and how it may affect associations’ ability to collect unpaid debt, forcing them to ask homeowners who do keep up with their payments to fork over more money. The attorneys fee cap was also a point of contention because of how it could lead to higher bills for compliant homeowners.


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House Bill 1337 was sponsored by four Democrats: Reps. Iman Jodeh of Aurora and Jennifer Bacon of Denver, as well as Sens. James Coleman of Denver and Tony Exum of Colorado Springs.

A separate measure aimed at addressing HOA foreclosures failed at the Capitol this year by a single vote in the state House.

House Bill 1158 would have required that the minimum bid for HOA-foreclosed homes being sold at auction be set at roughly 60% of the property’s market value. Right now, the minimum bid is set at whatever the homeowner owes their HOA, which may only be a few thousand dollars.

The Sun found one HOA-foreclosed home in Aurora that was auctioned off in 2021 for $5,000. The owner owed the HOA $4,889.31, which became the starting bid. About six months later, the condominium was resold on the open market for $420,000.

Another HOA measure that was rejected by the legislature was House Bill 1078, which would have required that property managers operating HOAs be licensed with the state starting in July 2025. The governor vetoed a similar measure in 2019.

Three other HOA measures were passed by the legislature this year and signed into law:

  • House Bill 1233, which rolls back a requirement in a bill passed by the legislature in 2022 that homeowners associations must physically post a notice on a home when an owner owes them money. However, it adds that the HOA must mail a notice and contact the owner by two of the following: telephone, email or text message.
  • House Bill 1091, which prohibits a homeowners association from restricting the installation, use or maintenance of fire-hardened building materials in residential property.
  • Senate Bill 134, which prohibits an HOA from restricting a member from operating a business out of their home.

Type of Story: News

Based on facts, either observed and verified directly by the reporter, or reported and verified from knowledgeable sources.

New law will make it tougher for Colorado HOAs to foreclose on homes (2024)


New law will make it tougher for Colorado HOAs to foreclose on homes? ›

House Bill 1337 also builds on other measures passed by Colorado lawmakers aimed at making HOA foreclosures more rare. The new law says an HOA can't file for foreclosure against a resident unless it has first filed a lawsuit to collect its debt or filed an involuntary bankruptcy petition against the homeowner.

What is the new Colorado law for HOA? ›

Colorado's HOA reform law in 2022 (HB22-1137) changed this law. Now, an HOA may not foreclose its lien if the debt securing the lien consists of one or both of the following: (1) fines or (2) collection costs or attorneys' fees the association incurred that are only associated with assessed fines. (Colo.

How can I avoid foreclosure in Colorado? ›

Can I Save My Home?
  1. Stripping away 2nd and 3rd mortgages through Chapter 13 Bankruptcy,
  2. Curing mortgage arrears by forcing the lender to allow you to pay back the mortgage deficiency over 3 to 5 years through Chapter 13 Bankruptcy,
  3. Negotiating a loan modification or loan forbearance agreement from your lender, and.

What happens if you don't pay HOA fees in Colorado? ›


After a lien is placed on your home, your HOA can choose to foreclose on that lien. It doesn't even matter if there is a mortgage on the home — as long as state laws and the CC&Rs allow it, you may face foreclosure. There are two ways an HOA can foreclose on a lien: Judicial foreclosure.

Can you sue an HOA in Colorado? ›

You can sue an HOA in small claims court as long as the dispute falls within the small claims limit discussed above. For example, the CC&Rs state the HOA will pay for all plumbing repairs. You hire a plumber to fix a leak, and the HOA refuses to pay the plumbing bill.

What are the rights of homeowners against HOA in Colorado? ›

Homeowners in Colorado have the right to fair treatment during disputes with an HOA, including access to mediation or arbitration, and the ability to challenge decisions made by the HOA within the framework established by the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act.

How do I get rid of my HOA in Colorado? ›

At least 67% (or more) of all allocated votes in the Association must affirmatively agree to terminate the common interest community in a Termination Agreement. The declaration may have a percentage requirement higher than 67%.

What is the rule 120 foreclosure in Colorado? ›

How the Rule 120 process works. The bank's attorney files a motion under Rule 120 of the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure asking the court for an order authorizing the foreclosure sale. The court then sets a deadline by which any response to the motion must be filed.

How many mortgage payments can you miss before foreclosure Colorado? ›

When Can a Colorado Foreclosure Start? Under federal law, the servicer usually can't officially begin a foreclosure until you're more than 120 days past due on payments, subject to a few exceptions. (12 C.F.R. § 1024.41 (2024).)

What is intent to cure foreclosure in Colorado? ›

Intent to Cure

Once the foreclosure process has started, a property owner, or another lienholder, may stop the process by “curing” the default. A written Notice of Intent to Cure must be filed with the Public Trustee's Office no later than 15 days prior to the scheduled sale date. There is no charge to file.

How much power do HOAs have in Colorado? ›

HB 22-1040. According to Colorado Revised Statute 38-33.3-302, HOAs have the authority to "regulate the use, maintenance, repair, replacement, and modification of common elements." The new bill explains that such regulations must be in accordance with a new provision in Colo.

Why are HOA fees so high in Colorado? ›

Insurance premiums: The cost of insuring common areas and buildings against damage and liability can rise. Taxes: Property taxes and other levies that the HOA must pay can increase, adding to the financial burden. Utilities: Charges for electricity, gas, water, and sewage services for common areas can go up.

Can you dissolve an HOA in Colorado? ›

The majority have to approve removing the hoa. And after the majority vote to disband the hoa. That will disband the hoa.

Who governs the HOAs in Colorado? ›

In Colorado, HOA's (or Common Interest Communities) are governed by the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”). This law defines the rights of unit owners, as well as those bestowed upon the association.

How to file a complaint against an HOA in Colorado? ›

How do I file a complaint against a HOA in Colorado? The HOA Information and Resource Center (The HOA Office) Email HOA questions to the HOA Office ( 1560 Broadway, Suite 925, Denver, CO 80202. Phone: 303-894-2166 | Toll Free: 800-886-7675. Fax: 303-894-2683.

Does local law supersede HOA rules? ›

The local law supersedes the rules and regulations of the HOA, meaning that HOAs must ensure they are operating under the law.

How much can HOA fees increase in Colorado? ›

An HOA can typically raise dues as much as it needs in order to meet its annual budget requirements. Any exception to this would be included in the association's governing documents and usually listed as an annual cap on the amount an Executive Board may raise assessments from the previous years.

Can an HOA evict a tenant in Colorado? ›

When common assessments go unpaid, an HOA has the authority to evict unit owners and tenants. This procedure is very similar to putting a lien on a piece of property for unpaid fees, which can eventually lead to foreclosure.

Can HOA raise dues without a vote in Colorado? ›

Homeowners associations are generally allowed to raise dues without a membership vote unless the governing documents — specifically the CC&RS — require voting. However, most HOA governing documents do not put such restrictions on the board because it limits the HOA.

Can HOA board members meet in private in Colorado? ›

Permissible for Certain Items: Board Members or committees may go into executive (closed) session only for the following: Matters pertaining to employees of the Association. Matters pertaining to the managing agent's contract.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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