Guide - The only good dungeon guide out there. [High Effort Post] (2025)

Before I start the guide I want to explain why I wanted to make this and why this is the only actually good dungeon guide out there. All posts and videos regarding dungeon progression and/or dungeon guides are completely wrong or just outright bad. I feel as someone who has catacombs lvl 30 or lower should NOT make guides that poor people will follow thinking its correct.

I myself am catacombs 50 and have plenty of experience on every floor and every aspect of skyblock, hence why this is the only guide you should follow. Feel free to ask questions and scroll down for tips on things that may be unclear.

Preparing for dungeons:

It is important to NOT rush into dungeons as soon as you hit combat 15.
Before starting dungeons you should have:
-Combat 30
-300 magical power
-Aspect of the end
-Sword of bad health
-Highest tier wand of healing that you can get (Wand of Healing, Mending, Restoration, Atonement)

-Full set of equipment (If you get equipment that has attributes, Vitality and Life Regeneration, Mana Regeneration and Speed are the most valuable for new dungeon players)
-Any damage pet
-Any armor that you used to reach combat 30
-Any weapon you used to reach combat 30

With these items you can easily get through the Entrance and also Floor 1.

Once defeating floor 1 you can choose what class you want to play. For floor 1-7 there is only one class that is useful, which is mage. If you refuse to play what the meta is you might as well just not play dungeons.

Now that you choose the Mage class you can start preparing with actual dungeon gear. (Everything you already have will still be needed so do NOT sell any of your items.)

Floor 2:

To progress you need to buy:
-Bonzo's Staff
^ For your Bonzo's Staff: Ultimate Wise 5, Bonzo Fragments x8, Hot Potato Books x10
-Rotten Armor (With Wise reforge, stars give a small boost and are super cheap so try to 5 star all pieces.)
-Dark Goggles (Enchants and reforges are the same as the rest of the armor)
-Legendary Sheep pet Lvl 100 (Textbook and Dwarf Turtle Shelmet are the two pet items you should use on this pet, whichever one you like more. I personally recommend Shelmet because it has much greater utility and it will be needed later in floor 7)
-Sighted Power (You can use a few different reforges, but sighted will be the main one you will be using for most of your Floor1-7 journey. You get this power from 9 Ender Monocles)
^ Mind you that some powers may help you out more early on that give you some defense alongside intelligence. Adept is a great example.

This is where you start to learn how to use your Bonzo's Staff and also get a few catacombs levels. This will all be easy as long as you have all of the items listed above and it will be a breeze.
You need to grind this floor until you reach Catacombs level 5 to unlock Floor 3.

Floor 3:

There are no upgrades to be made thus far, the most important thing right now is xp, so just keep running this floor until you reach Catacombs level 9.

Floor 4:

You are finally able to upgrade some of your gear once unlocking this floor.
You need to get the following upgrades:

-Frozen Scythe (Do not sell your Bonzo's Staff as it will keep on being a very useful movement item, especially in the floor 7 boss fight.)
-Zombie Soldier Chestplate and Leggings (Chestplate on loving reforge and Leggings on necrotic reforge. Do not buy the boots.)
^ This will be the armor set you will use all the way until you can upgrade to Necromancer Lord Armor, so max it as much as you can. This includes Wisdom 5, Recombobulators, 5 stars, Hot Potato Books (If you struggle to survive also Fuming Potato Books)

One completion will unlock you a few very good items that you need to buy next:
-Spirit boots (You also need to max this as much as the rest of your armor as the next replacement for this will be Necromancer Boots in Floor 6)
-Legendary Spirit pet (Level 1 works, you can put an exp share pet item on it if you want it higher level)
-Ice Spray Wand (Not super important yet but it is an incredibly great damage boost item and also fantastic for keeping minibosses in place, making them way easier and quicker to fight. Buy it as soon as you can afford one)

On catacombs level 10 you unlock the most important main mage weapon until you can get yourself a Wither Blade.
The Glacial Scythe:
This weapon is INCREDIBLY STRONG if used correctly and does very comparable damage to the Hyperion. This weapon is an upgrade to the Frozen Scythe which you already have by this point and it is essential to get this upgrade as soon as you reach level 10.
Glacial Scythe usage and musts:

To optimize your damage as much as possible you need to be shooting the bottom half of all mobs. The Ice Bolt you shoot explodes upon impact, making you deal x2 damage. This can be further upgraded by purchasing an Implosion Belt. This will boost the damage of your explosion making you do x2.25 damage. While spamming right click to shoot you should also be left clicking at this point. This will trigger effects such as Syphon, Venomous and Fire Aspect on top of your mage beam's damage, Making this weapon essentially 4-5 times more stronger than any other mage weapon in the game besides the Wither Blade variants. (Yeti Sword and Midas Staff are completely irrelevant as they do not deal nearly as much damage as the Glacial Scythe and they also block projectiles that your archers and berserkers are shooting making the bosses take close to no damage)

Some important enchants:

Smite > Sharpness
Prosecute > Execute
Triple Strike > First strike

Floor 5:

Upgrades you are able to get:
-Reaching catacombs 16 will unlock the Shadow Goggles which is a massive upgrade. Max it as much as you can.
-Fire Veil Wand (Any attribute, they do not matter)
^ Ultimate Wise 5 is recommended, but nothing else is needed on it.

This boss becomes very easy while utilizing your incredible AOE damage with your Glacial Scythe, Fire Veil Wand and Ice Spray.

Floor 6:

You should upgrade your Zombie Soldier Chestplate and Leggings to Necromancer Lord Armor. Remember that your survivability and damage matters a lot on your catacombs level so make sure to grind this floor enough that you're ready for floor 7. (You unlock floor 7 at catacombs lvl 24 but I recommend going for 25-26 beforehand)

Floor 7:

This floor unlocks all end game dungeon items that you will need in the future.
Upgrades you can go for:
-Better equipment (Your equipment set should be Molten Necklace, Molten Cloak, Implosion Belt and Gauntlet of Contagion, all with the attributes mentioned earlier)
-Wither Goggles (Once you reach catacombs 28 you must upgrade to this. This is the best mage helmet in the entire game as of now)
-Storm's Armor (This is the best mage armor inside of dungeons, you use this along with your Wither Goggles for incredible damage output)
-Astrea/Hyperion (These are the only two Wither Blade variants that are meta, do not use the other two. I recommend first using Astrea for the extra defense while grinding more experience and once you are high enough catacombs level to survive without the extra defense you can swap to Hyperion for extra damage)
-Ender Dragon/Golden Dragon pet (These pets are both better for mage than sheep is. Ender Dragon has a bit more utility and costs 1.5 billion coins less than the Golden Dragon, but does less damage.)
-More and more magical power (Nothing is overkill here. Every single point of magical power matters)


-Start buying

tier 7 enchanted books

for your Wither Blade. It is one of the most worth investments you could possibly make into your dungeon journey. Some of the most important ones are:



Giant Killer


Triple Strike







. (In no said order)
-Making your armor Ancient could make you deal even more damage, as you still have high intelligence from the base stats of your armor and your spells will still one hit mobs, but you will do much greater dps to minibosses and bosses with both right and left clicks.
-You could put

Mana Vampire

(For healing) or

Strong Mana

(For damage) On all of your armor. Tier 5 is enough but you should not go above tier 6 because they start to become too expensive for their effectiveness.
-A Blue Whale and Wither Skeleton pet could be worth looking into, but not super important.
-Unlock more powers. This is simple, you just straight up unlock more powers and test all of them out to see what you like best. Remember, that your left clicks will only do great damage if you have ancient reforge on your armor and powers that do not give you negative stats.
^ Some of the powers I recommend trying out: Shaded, Demonic, Slender. (For pure right click damage only, Bizarre is the best)

If you have any questions feel free to ask. I can also make a master mode guide if anyone would be interested (However for master mode there are already decent guides out there, so i do not feel that it is as important)

Guide - The only good dungeon guide out there. [High Effort Post] (2025)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

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Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.