Gauß-Krüger-Koordinaten (2024)


Landscape GmbH
Dipl.-Geogr. Christiane Martin
Nicole Bischof
Dipl.-Geol. Manfred Eiblmaier


Allgemeine Geologie
Prof. Dr. V. Jacobshagen, Berlin

Angewandte Geologie
Prof. Dr. H. Hötzl, Karlsruhe

Prof. Dr. H.-R. Bork, Potsdam

Prof. Dr. phil. M. Buchroithner, Dresden

Prof. Dr. W. Altermann, München

Prof. Dr. K.-H. Ilk, Bonn

Prof. Dr. W. Andres, Frankfurt / Main

Prof. Dr. P. Giese, Berlin

Historische Geologie
Prof. Dr. H.-G. Herbig, Köln

Prof. Dr. H.-J. Liebscher, Koblenz

Prof. Dr. W.G. Koch, Dresden

Prof. Dr. Ch.-D. Schönwiese, Frankfurt / Main

Prof. Dr. K. Hümmer, Karlsruhe

Dr. D. Schaub, Aarau, Schweiz

Prof. Dr. G. Groß, Hannover

Prof. Dr. G. Strübel, Gießen

Prof. Dr. J. Meincke, Hamburg

Dr. R. Hollerbach, Köln


Allgemeine Geologie
Dipl.-Geol. D. Adelmann, Berlin
Dr. Ch. Breitkreuz, Berlin
Prof. Dr. M. Durand Delga, Avon, Frankreich
Dipl.-Geol. K. Fiedler, Berlin
Prof. Dr. V. Jacobshagen, Berlin
Dr. W. Jaritz, Burgwedel
Prof. Dr. H. Kallenbach, Berlin
Dr. J. Kley, Karlsruhe
Prof. Dr. M. Lemoine, Marli-le-Roi, Frankreich
Prof. Dr. J. Liedholz, Berlin
Prof. Dr. B. Meißner, Berlin
Dr. D. Mertmann, Berlin
Dipl.-Geol. J. Müller, Berlin
Prof. Dr. C.-D. Reuther, Hamburg
Prof. Dr. K.-J. Reutter, Berlin
Dr. E. Scheuber, Berlin
Prof. Dr. E. Wallbrecher, Graz
Dr. Gernold Zulauf, Frankfurt

Angewandte Geologie
Dr. A. Bohleber, Karlsruhe
Dipl.-Geol. W. Breh, Karlsruhe
Prof. Dr. K. Czurda, Karlsruhe
Dr. M. Eiswirth, Karlsruhe
Dipl.-Geol. T. Fauser, Karlsruhe
Prof. Dr.-Ing. E. f*cker, Karlsruhe
Prof. Dr. H. Hötzl, Karlsruhe
Dipl.-Geol. W. Kassebeer, Karlsruhe
Dipl.-Geol. A. Kienzle, Karlsruhe
Dipl.-Geol. B. Krauthausen, Berg / Pfalz
Dipl.-Geol. T. Liesch, Karlsruhe
R. Ohlenbusch, Karlsruhe
Dr. K. E. Roehl, Karlsruhe
Dipl.-Geol. S. Rogge, Karlsruhe
Dr. J. Rohn, Karlsruhe
Dipl.-Geol. E. Ruckert, Karlsruhe
Dr. C. Schnatmeyer, Trier
Dipl.-Geol. N. Umlauf, Karlsruhe
Dr. A. Wefer-Roehl, Karlsruhe
K. Witthüser, Karlsruhe
Dipl.-Geol. R. Zorn, Karlsruhe

Dr. J. Augustin, Müncheberg
Dr. A. Behrendt, Müncheberg
Dipl.-Ing. agr. U. Behrendt, Müncheberg
Prof. Dr. Dr. H.-P. Blume, Kiel
Prof. Dr. H.-R. Bork, Potsdam
Dr. C. Dalchow, Müncheberg
Dr. D. Deumlich, Müncheberg
Dipl.-Geoök. M. Dotterweich, Potsdam
Dr. R. Ellerbrock, Müncheberg
Prof. Dr. M. Frielinghaus, Müncheberg
Dr. R. Funk, Müncheberg
Dipl.-Ing. K. Geldmacher, Potsdam
Dr. H. Gerke, Müncheberg
Dr. K. Helming, Müncheberg
Dr. W. Hierold, Müncheberg
Dr. A. Höhn, Müncheberg
Dr. M. Joschko, Müncheberg
Dr. K.-Ch. Kersebaum
Dr. S. Koszinski, Müncheberg
Dr. P. Lentzsch, Müncheberg
Dr. L. Müller, Müncheberg
Dr. M. Müller, Müncheberg
Dr. T. Müller, Müncheberg
Dr. B. Münzenberger, Müncheberg
Dr. H.-P. Pior, Müncheberg
Dr. H. Rogasik, Müncheberg
Dr. U. Schindler, Müncheberg
Dipl.-Geoök. G. Schmittchen, Potsdam
Dr. W. Seyfarth, Müncheberg
Dr. M. Tauschke, Müncheberg
Dr. A. Ulrich, Müncheberg
Dr. O. Wendroth, Müncheberg
Dr. St. Wirth, Müncheberg

Prof. Dr. phil. M. Buchroithner, Dresden
Prof. Dr. E. Csaplovics, Dresden
Prof. Dr. C. Gläßer, Halle
Dr. G. Meinel, Dresden
Dr. M. Netzband, Dresden
Prof. Dr. H. Will, Halle

Prof. Dr. A. Altenbach, München
Prof. Dr. W. Altermann, München
Dr. St. Becker, Wiesbaden
Dr. A. Hehn-Wohnlich, Ottobrunn
P.D. Dr. St. Höltzl, München
Dr. M. Kölbl-Ebert, München
Dr. Th. Kunzmann, München
Prof. Dr. W. Loske, München
Dipl.-Geol. A. Murr, München
Dr. T. Rüde, München

Dr.-Ing. G. Boedecker, München
Dr. W. Bosch, München
Dr. E. Buschmann, Potsdam
Prof. Dr. H. Drewes, München
Dr. D. Egger, München
Prof. Dr. B. Heck, Karlsruhe
Prof. Dr. K.-H. Ilk, Bonn
Dr. J. Müller, München
Dr. A. Nothnagel, Bonn
Prof. Dr. D. Reinhard, Dresden
Dr. Mirko Scheinert, Dresden
Dr. W. Schlüter, Wetzell
Dr. H. Schuh, München
Prof. Dr. G. Seeber, Hannover
Prof. Dr. M. H. Soffel, Dresden

Dipl. Geogr. K.D. Albert, Frankfurt / Main
Prof. Dr. W. Andres, Frankfurt / Main
Dipl. Geogr. P. Houben, Frankfurt / Main
Dr. K.-M. Moldenhauer, Frankfurt / Main
Dr. P. Müller-Haude, Frankfurt / Main
Dipl. Geogr. S. Nolte, Frankfurt / Main
Dr. H. Riedel, Wetter
Dr. J. B. Ries, Frankfurt / Main

Dr. G. Bock, Potsdam
Dr. H. Brasse, Berlin
Prof. Dr. P. Giese, Berlin
Prof. Dr. V. Haak, Potsdam
Prof. Dr. E. Hurtig, Potsdam
Prof. Dr. R. Meißner, Kiel
Prof. Dr. K. Millahn, Leoben, Österreich
Dr. F. R. Schilling, Potsdam
Prof. Dr. H. C. Soffel, München
Dr. W. Webers, Potsdam
Prof. Dr. J. Wohlenberg, Aachen

Prof. Dr. J. Negendank, Potsdam

Historische Geologie / Paläontologie
Prof. Dr. W. Altermann, München
Dr. R. Becker-Haumann, Köln
Dr. R. Below, Köln
Dr. M. Bernecker, Erlangen
Dr. M. Bertling, Münster
Prof. Dr. W. Boenigk, Köln
Dr. A. Clausing, Halle
Dr. M. Grigo, Köln
Dr. K. Grimm, Mainz
Prof. Dr. Gursky, Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Dipl.-Geol. E. Haaß, Köln
Prof. Dr. H.-G. Herbig, Köln
Dr. I. Hinz-Schallreuther, Berlin
Dr. D. Kalthoff, Bonn
Prof. Dr. W. von Königswald, Bonn
Dr. habil R. Kohring, Berlin
E. Minwegen, Köln
Dr. F. Neuweiler, Göttingen
Dr. S. Noé, Köln
Dr. S Nöth, Köln
Prof. Dr. K. Oekentorp, Münster
Dr. S. Pohler, Köln
Dr. B. Reicherbacher, Karlsruhe
Dr. H. Tragelehn, Köln
Dr. S. Voigt, Köln
Dr. H. Wopfner, Köln

Dr. H. Bergmann, Koblenz
Prof. Dr. K. Hofius, Boppard
Prof. Dr. H.-J. Liebscher, Koblenz
Dr. E. Wildenhahn, Vallendar
Dr. M. Wunderlich, Brey

Prof. Dr. J. Bollmann, Trier
Dipl. Geogr. T. Bräuninger, Trier
Prof. Dr. phil. M. Buchroithner, Dresden
Dr. G. Buziek, Hannover
Prof. Dr. W. Denk, Karlsruhe
Dr. D. Dransch, Berlin
Dipl. Geogr. H. Faby, Trier
Dr. K. Großer, Leipzig
Dipl. Geogr. F. Heidmann, Trier
Prof. Dr. K.-H. Klein, Wuppertal
Prof. Dr. W. Koch, Dresden
Prof. Dr. S. Meier, Dresden
Dipl. Geogr. A. Müller, Trier
Prof. Dr. J. Neumann, Karlsruhe
Prof. Dr. K. Regensburger, Dresden
Dipl.-Ing. Ch. Rülke, Dresden
Dr. W. Stams, Dresden
Prof. Dr. K.-G. Steinert, Dresden
Dr. P. Tainz, Trier
Dr. A.-D. Uthe, Berlin
Dipl. Geogr. W. Weber, Trier
Prof. Dr. I. Wilfert, Dresden
Dipl.-Ing. D. Wolff, Wuppertal

Dr. K. Eichhorn, Karlsruhe
Prof. Dr. K. Hümmer, Karlsruhe
Prof. Dr. W. E. Klee, Karlsruhe
Dr. G. Müller-Vogt, Karlsruhe
Dr. E. Weckert, Karlsruhe
Prof. Dr. H.W. Zimmermann, Erlangen

Dr. W. Hirdes, D-53113 Bonn
Prof. Dr. H. Flick, Marktoberdorf
Dr. T. Kirnbauer, Wiesbaden
Prof. Dr. W. Proschaska, Leoben, Österreich
Prof. Dr. E. F. Stumpfl, Leoben, Österreich
Prof. Dr. Thalhammer, Leoben, Österreich

Dipl. Geogr. St. Meier-Zielinski, Basel, Schweiz
Dipl. Geogr. S. Rolli, Basel, Schweiz
Dr. D. Rüetschi, Basel, Schweiz
Dr. D. Schaub, Frick, Schweiz
Dipl. Geogr. M. Schmid, Basel, Schweiz

Meteorologie und Klimatologie
Dipl. Met. K. Balzer, Potsdam
Dipl.-Met. W. Benesch, Offenbach
Prof. Dr. D. Etling, Hannover
Dr. U. Finke, Hannover
Prof. Dr. H. Fischer, Karlsruhe
Prof. Dr. M. Geb, Berlin
Prof. Dr. G. Groß, Hannover
Prof. Dr. Th. Hauf, Hannover
Dr. habil. D. Heimann,
Oberpfaffenhofen / Weßling
Dr. C. Lüdecke, München
Dipl. Met. H. Neumeister, Potsdam
Prof. Dr. H. Quenzel, München
Prof. Dr. U. Schmidt, Frankfurt / Main
Prof. Dr. Ch.-D. Schönwiese, Frankfurt / Main
Prof. Dr. W. Wehry, Berlin

Prof. Dr. G. Strübel, Gießen

Prof. Dr. W. Alpers, Hamburg
Dr. H. Eicken, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA
Dr. H.-H. Essen, Hamburg
Dr. E. Fahrbach, Bremerhaven
Dr. K. Kremling, Kiel
Prof. Dr. J. Meincke, Hamburg
Dr. Th. Pohlmann, Hamburg
Prof. Dr. W. Zahel, Hamburg

Dr. T. Gayk, Köln
Dr. R. Hollerbach, Köln
Dr. R. Kleinschrodt, Köln
Dr. R. Klemd, Bremen
Dr. M. Schliestedt, Hannover
Prof. Dr. H.-G. Stosch, Karlsruhe

Gauß-Krüger-Koordinaten (2024)


What is Gauss Kruger? ›

Gauss-Krüger is a transverse cylindric projection. The equator and central meridian project as straight lines. Other meridians project as complex curves concave toward the central meridian. Other parallels are also complex curves, concave toward the nearest pole. Both poles are projected as points.

When to use Transverse Mercator projection? ›

The transverse Mercator projection is appropriate for mapping large-scale or smaller areas with predominantly north-south trending extents. It is a very commonly used projection. Various countries use it for their topographic maps and large-scale coordinate systems.

What is gauss IQ? ›

Carl Gauss was a child prodigy who went on to become one of the greatest German mathematicians of the 19th century. With IQ scores ranging from 250 to 300, he contributed to the number theory fields like algebra, statistics, and analysis.

What is the trick of gauss? ›

Young Gauss's “trick” for finding the sum of an arithmetic progression is usually explained in terms of adding pairs of elements from opposite ends of the sequence, so that all the pairs have the same sum. One way to envision this process is to fold the series in half with a hairpin bend.

What is the best coordinate system for Europe? ›

ETRS89: main datum in Europe

On the European continent, ETRS89 is the standard choice. People who use DGPS with differential stations on the European continent, obtains positions in ETRS89. Coordinates in ETRS89 are closely related to the Dutch national RD system.

What is the best projection for a world map? ›

The Mercator is the most popular conformal map projection. The Mercator map projection was created by Gerardus Mercator in 1594. It showed meridians as equally spaced lines. The projection is used for a variety of navigational plotting of ship routes.

What map projection do pilots use? ›

Today the Lambert Conformal Conic projection has become a standard projection for mapping large areas (small scale) in the mid-latitudes – such as USA, Europe and Australia. It has also become particularly popular with aeronautical charts such as the 1:100,000 scale World Aeronautical Charts map series.

What is gauss's theorem prove it? ›

Gauss Theorem in electrostatics

Gauss Law states that the total electric flux out of a closed surface is equal to the charge enclosed divided by the permittivity. The electric flux in an area is defined as the electric field multiplied by the area of the surface projected in a plane and perpendicular to the field.

What does gauss mean MRI? ›

The gauss (symbol: G or Gs) is a legacy CGS unit of magnetic flux density, which was superseded by the tesla (T). One gauss is defined as one maxwell per cm2 (Mx/cm2), which equates to 10-4 tesla, and is therefore a small unit.

What is an example of Gauss Kruger coordinates? ›

Example 1: Point P has the Gauss-Krüger coordinates R = 4535450m , H = 5448600m. We are looking for the distance to the middle meridian and to the equator. P is located 35.45 km east of the 12° meridian. The high value indicates the distance to the equator: 5 448 600 m.

Is gauss greater than tesla? ›

1 tesla is equal to Gauss multiplied by 104 , thus Tesla is said to be a larger unit in comparison with the other units. Similarly, to convert 1 Gauss to tesla it is to be multiplied by a factor 10-4.

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.